New Features!

so, i haven’t said anything in a while, wrote any blurbs, or gone on any rants, so i thought i would pipe up, and say something. but i really didn’t have much to talk about… not being one for just blathering randomly (you just shush, you), i was thinking, what could i announce that would be worthwhile to anyone?

and then i thought of it. starting at the beginning of the next sequence, all of my patrons over at patreon will not only get the next PAGE a week early, they will get the entire next SCENE early. so, to clarify, it’ll be a 7 page dump that you can binge in one go. and that will start in a few weeks, once this scene wraps up, and then continuing on into the future that way.

see, i was diligent enough a while back, that i got ahead, got myself some breathing room, and was no longer rushing to get the next page uploaded by sunday night. then i got several pages ahead. then i got a whole scene ahead, and that made keeping on top of things so much easier and efficient. now that i’ve been able to maintain that, and that one of the fairest criticisms of my comic is that it’s hard to keep track of from week to week, i think it’d be nice to offer this as a bonus to the readers.

eventually, if i finished everything and it was good to go, i could just post the entire thing finished to the site, and people could just read it in a single sitting, but i’m not THAT far ahead. so for now, if you feel that this is something you’d be into, and a better way to read Black and Blue which i think is unarguably true, wander on over to my patreon and sign up. a dollar a month will get you in, and you can read it scene by scene. i can even post alerts when the new scenes are up, so you won’t have to worry about missing anything.

so, let’s see how this works!