i’ve thought about printing it, but i don’t know that the sales could justify a printing run, the margins are razor thin, and i can’t afford to take a financial loss on it. BUT, i’m always up for hearing ways i could market myself, if you have ideas, AND, of course i appreciate you saying so. means a lot to hear from the readers. thanks!
Looks like she is keeping her eye out *winces* I’ll see myself out…
Merry whatevermas Mr Clarke.
The comic is good. If you printed it I’d think about buying a copy.
thanks! and a merry whateverness to you too!
i’ve thought about printing it, but i don’t know that the sales could justify a printing run, the margins are razor thin, and i can’t afford to take a financial loss on it. BUT, i’m always up for hearing ways i could market myself, if you have ideas, AND, of course i appreciate you saying so. means a lot to hear from the readers. thanks!
Ah, what a little incentive in the right situation will do.
yeah, i usually make a minimal effort to avoid torture too.