See you in hell!
so, it’s as i feared. we lost corporate sponsorship. taco bell didn’t see the advantages of their food doubling as a laxative. but i mean, come on…. you know. but there’s good news too! i’ve recently been in talks with the axe body spray people to maybe represent them.
‘axe body spray, just cause you’re not a date rapist, doesn’t mean you can’t smell like one.’ …i feel good about this.
here’s something else i’ve been working on in my non existent spare time….. it’s a new comic strip called….
i don’t know if i’ll set it up on it’s own page, or maybe just post it here once in a while…. the idea occurred to me, based obviously on my conversation with the devil, nice guy, we got coffee, but went off into a weird direction after that. stay tuned. could be funny, could be a flop…. whee! let me know what you think!
no movie recommendation this time around, but who’s been watching ‘westworld’?
ok, so i hate to admit i’m wrong. so i don’t. but i do remember in the past, railing against remakes, reboots, reduxs….. all the ‘re’s. but westworld is ok. better than ok, it’s really good. and maybe it’s cause the source material was like 40 years old, or cause if someone has to play the bald bad ass yul brynner was, ed harris is good substitution, but the whole thing hangs together as very tight. so far. kinda like, chuck e cheese, if the robots started having ‘feels’. (ug, feels).
i was skeptical, but i think with all the bad remakes, we’ve earned a little bit of dubiousness. but i’ll say this here and now, mr and missus internet, if the new ghost in the shell isn’t a steaming pile of whatthefuck, i’ll actually admit i was wrong . mark you calendars. it might be one of the signs of the apocalypse.
Hiveworks is a pretty awesome team. A lot of friendly artists who look out for each other and advertise for one another. They also fill their downtime or vacation breaks by having other Hiveworkers do guest comics for them. And I like the idea of sneak peeks for voting incentives!
yeah, i’ve considered collectives like that, but i’m not really a joiner. but voting incentives isn’t a bad idea.
Have you looked at collectives like HiveWorks or SpiderForest? Their cross-promotion stuff could be good for traffic.
Or you could start one. Because you need more to do, I’m sure. I mean, look at what you’ve drawn here. That’s the work of someone that needs more to do (I kid!).
But maybe there would be value in a cross-promoting collective of darker comics (since it would make sense for readers of one to be interested in the others). There are a lot of really good comics out there that are likely to pull in readers with similar tastes.
Off the top of my head, Protege and October 20th come to mind. Maybe Life Hacks I’m guessing your readers here could come up with a list. If you get a bunch to cross promote it’s possible that you could all end up with all the readers of every comic.
A sneak peek at the next update as a vote incentive on Top Web Comics might encourage more people to click through to vote. A lot of authors mention getting a lot of traffic from TWC. I read one for a while that just put the latest page of the comic behind the vote wall :).
i’ve seen the value in being mentioned by other commics, but the irony is, with all the work that goes into the comic itself, there’s not all that much time in the day left for networking and being social.
anyways, my little side comic was more of a joke, not trying to be the whiny unappreciated artiste. haha. but thanks for all the links, i’ll check them out!
Nah, no fights over the FNaF. I’ve never played a single one! It isn’t easy at all to startle or scare me, so gameplay would be a waste of my time. I’m an armchair theorist, and that is where the backstory is the most fun. If you want to give it a bit more of a chance, watch some playthroughs instead (best if someone easily scared is playing), and I will happily argue story points with you for hours!
politics, religion, and fnaf…. you can’t talk about such volatile subjects in polite society. too much room for conflict. i didn’t see much in the way of story there, but i didn’t get that deep into it. but if jumpscares are your hook, you’re gonna lose a bunch of people who don’t dig that, despite how deep your intellectual property is.
I can’t help but feel a little bit like Satan is this strip. And if that is the case, I’ll happily feed you more material XD Axe advertisement made me spit wine. Screw you for that. I haven’t even gotten my first paycheck and booze is precious! I don’t know about Westworld yet, but I all up into Chuck E. Cheese with feels! If you don’t already know that Five Nights at Freddy’s is a thing then we have many conversations/arguments to have (if I ever get another day off). If the true definition of ‘noir’ is that nobody gets a happy ending, I think you will like the FNaF series! Still not sure about the Ghost remake though…
NO! bad! get off the couch! five nights at freddies has gotten WAY to popular for what it is. i’m a big horror guy as you might know, and i played one of the fnaf games, and it’s not horror. this might be where we get into a fist fight, but jump scares, and being bored until jump scares, has always been lazy horror.
i get that there’s some sort of rich backstory, but, i didn’t get to any of that. i sat in a room, waiting for nothing to happen, so i could close a door, and it happened anyways. ok, rant over. i await the deluge of youngsters telling me how full of fecal matter i am.
sorry bout the wine though. i mean, not really, don’t diss my sponsor, but yeah, sorry ya spilled. as for the comic, i actually drew that like 3 months ago. just didn’t know what to do with it. but your advice was most unholy. just after i had already conceived of some evil being telling me what to do. haha