Discussion (8) ¬

  1. Brian

    Oh my, a message head in a jar. Such a familiar item. Properly packaged, but mayhaps pickled a bit late for proper functionality, let alone taste.

  2. Savail

    I mean, I was up with a sick toddler who was waking up every twenty minutes screaming, so yeah, I’ll take that reward. That was a wild ride, and I think I probably enjoyed it all the more with it being in one go.

  3. ribbit


    Thank you so much! Dropped in briefly and went “holy shit the story’s ending” and just like. STAYED. For the duration.

    Amazing. Loved reading that. Never thought I’d say this, but I hope he lives!

  4. Silensio

    Thanks for the big update! Lots of stuff happening, such a pleasure.

    • Jason Clarke

      whoppsie doodle.

      ok, everyone who got their monday update early got the entire scene in one go. my bad. guess that was a little reward for people who logged on early?

      • Silensio

        Well, that’s what we get for waiting for the page drop every Monday and checking it out ASAP. =D

  5. Savail

    Holy shit. That’s one Hell of an update.

  6. SydGorman

    Found a scotch mix called MacLeod. Dunno why it strikes me as apt here

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