Ah! Exposition. Wonderful. Now we know why she was so pissed off over this clusterfuck.
you said a swear…..
Is that a problem?
haha, no, that was sarcasm. my original msg had a *gasp*, but it was in parenthesis, so it must have been editted out.
Heh, alright, I was really confused, like, “There’s two swears on the page up there… what?”
haha, yeah, i was being a hypocrite tattle-tale.
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Ah! Exposition. Wonderful. Now we know why she was so pissed off over this clusterfuck.
Is that a problem?
haha, no, that was sarcasm. my original msg had a *gasp*, but it was in parenthesis, so it must have been editted out.
Heh, alright, I was really confused, like, “There’s two swears on the page up there… what?”
haha, yeah, i was being a hypocrite tattle-tale.